-O https://cf-courses-data.s3.us.cloud-object-storage.appdomain.cloud/IBMSkillsNetwork-DB0151EN-edX/labs/FinalProject/movies.json curl
Sample Data
Import & Query MongoDB
You are a data engineer at a data analytics consulting company. Your company prides itself in being able to efficiently handle data in any format on any database on any platform.
- Analysts in your office need to work with data on different databases, and data in different formats.
- While these analysts are good at analyzing data, they count on you to be able to
- move data from external sources into various databases
- move data from one type of database to another
- be able to run basic queries on various databases
- Import movies.json into the MongoDB server into an entertainment database and a movie collection.
- Write a MongoDB query to find the year most movies were released.
- Write a MongoDB query to find the count of movies released after the year 1999.
- Write a query to determine the average votes for movies released in 2007.
- Export selected fields from the movies collection into a file named partial_data.csv.
Download Data
- Download data movies.json into the could IDE directory
- Here is a view of a sample movie document
_id: 'The Lost City of Z',
title: 'Action,Adventure,Biography',
genre: 'A true-life drama, centering on British explorer Col. Percival Fawcett, who disappeared while searching for a mysterious city in the Amazon in the 1920s.',
Description: 'James Gray',
Director: 'Charlie Hunnam, Robert Pattinson, Sienna Miller, Tom Holland',
Actors: 2016,
year: 'Runtime (Minutes)': 141,
rating: 7188,
Votes: 'Revenue (Millions)': 8.01,
Metascore: }
Import Data
- Import movies.json into MongoDB
- named: entertainment and use
- collection named: movies
~$ mongoimport -u root -p HkbscmpId8EaS12seIqEIGUw --authenticationDatabase admin -d entertainment -c movies --host mongo movies.json
2024-10-25T12:18:22.642-0400 connected to: mongodb://mongo/
2024-10-25T12:18:22.665-0400 100 document(s) imported successfully. 0 document(s) failed to import.
- The step above imported the file and created a db and collection
- Let’s go into the Mongo Server and list all DBs present
List DBs
- Either use the Mongo CLI to connect to the server or use the code below in Connect to Mongo
show dbs
Connect to DB
use entertainment
Query 1
Find the year in which most number of movies were released
- So basically we can use
to croup documents by a certain field: release year - Calculate the total count within each year using $sum aggregation
- Sort the years in descending order
- Limit the output to 1 document the first year in the filtered output, which would have the largest count
~$ mongosh -u root -p SUBSTITUTE PASSWORD HERE --authenticationDatabase admin local --host mongo
64.00 KiB
local 8.00 KiB
training @ mongodb://root:Hkbs
Current Mongosh Log ID: //<credentials>@
Connecting to: mongodb:3.6.3
Using MongoDB: 2.3.2
Using Mongosh:
For mongosh info see: https:
The server generated these startup warnings when booting2024-10-25T15:46:40.609+0000:
2024-10-25T15:46:40.609+0000: ** WARNING: Using the XFS filesystem is strongly recommended with the WiredTiger storage engine
2024-10-25T15:46:40.609+0000: ** See http://dochub.mongodb.org/core/prodnotes-filesystem
# List ALL DBs
> show dbs
test80.00 KiB
admin 12.00 KiB
config 60.00 KiB
entertainment 64.00 KiB
local 8.00 KiB
# Connect to db
> use entertainment
switched to db entertainment
# Query db
# We first group by year and sum all the movies per year
{"$group": {
"_id": "$year",
"movies_year": {"$sum": 1}
},# Here we sort in descending order
{"$sort":{"movies_year": -1}
}, # Limit/Filter the output to the largest count
{"$limit": 1
} ])
Query 2
Find the count of movies released after 1999
- use
to find a value greater than
Count Documents
- To find the count of documents use
> db.movies.countDocuments({ year: {$gt : 1999} })
Query 3
Find the average votes for movies released in 2007
- We filter for only year 2007 by using
- Here we average what was filtered using
> db.movies.aggregate([
{ $match: { year: "$year", averageVotes: { $avg: "$Votes" }} }
{ $group: { _id:
2007, averageVotes: 192.5 } ] [ { _id:
Export the fields:
id, title, year, rating, directory
from the movies collection to a file named partial_data.csv
Export to csv
- use
~$ mongoexport -u root -p HkbscmpId8EaS12seIqEIGUw --authenticationDatabase admin -d entertainment -c movies -f "_id,title,year,rating,director" --type=csv -o partial_data.csv --host mongo
Create Instance
- save user: root
- save pasw: HkbscmpId8EaS12seIqEIGUw
- Open new terminal
- Connect to MongoDB server using code
- Or simply click on the MongoDB CLI
Connect to Mongo
- This command will either connect to the DB training if it exists or
- creates a db if doesn’t exist
use training
Create Collection
- Let’s create a collection
# Connect to MongoDB server or use CLI button
~$ mongosh -u root -p SUBSTITUTE PASSWORD HERE --authenticationDatabase admin local --host mongo
Current Mongosh Log ID: //<credentials>@mongo:27017/local?directConnection=true&authSource=admin&appName=mongosh+2.3.2
Connecting to: mongodb:3.6.3
Using MongoDB: 2.3.2
Using Mongosh:
For mongosh info see: https:
help improve our products, anonymous usage data is collected and sent to MongoDB periodically (https://www.mongodb.com/legal/privacy-policy).
To -out by running the disableTelemetry() command.
You can opt
The server generated these startup warnings when booting2024-10-25T14:13:41.675+0000:
2024-10-25T14:13:41.675+0000: ** WARNING: Using the XFS filesystem is strongly recommended with the WiredTiger storage engine
2024-10-25T14:13:41.675+0000: ** See http://dochub.mongodb.org/core/prodnotes-filesystem
# Connect to db
> use training
switched to db training
# Create Collection
> db.createCollection("bigdata")
training1 } { ok:
- Create a keyspace named entertainment.
- Import partial_data.csv into a Cassandra server.
- Write a CQL query to count the movie table’s rows.
- Create an index for the movie table’s rating column using CQL.
- Write a CQL query to count the number of movies that are rated “G.”
Create Instance
- Click on Open Cassandra Page in IDE
- Open Cassandra CLI
- save host: 127.xxx Port: 9042
- Save user: emhrcf psw: MTA2NzItZW1ocmNm
Connect to Cassandra Server
- use this code: cqlsh HOST PORT –username root –password
# Connect to Cassandra server with the code below or use CLI button
~$ cqlsh 9042 --username root --password ZmfV6DfM4ZEQs5pktwVDWSR7
4.0.14, but this server is 5.0. All features may not work!
WARNING: cqlsh was built against
Connected to Test Cluster at 6.0.0 | Cassandra 5.0-beta1 | CQL spec 3.4.7 | Native protocol v5]
[cqlsh for help.
Use HELP @cqlsh> root
Download Data
- We will use the data we exported from MongoDB
- If didn’t do step above use the code below to download partial_data.csv into Cassandra Server
-O https://cf-courses-data.s3.us.cloud-object-storage.appdomain.cloud/IBMSkillsNetwork-DB0151EN-edX/labs/FinalProject/partial_data.csv curl
Create Keyspace
- create keyspace: entertainment
- without specifying any replication factors or strategy
Assess Keyspace
- Review keyspace
CREATE KEYSPACE entertainment= {'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 3};
WITH replication
Warnings :3 for keyspace entertainment is higher than the number of nodes 1
Your replication factor
@cqlsh> describe keyspaces
entertainment system_auth system_schema system_views system system_distributed system_traces system_virtual_schema
Import Data
Import partial_data.csv into Cassandra
- Import file into a keyspace named entertainment and
- table named movies use
- First we’ll create a table: configure all the columns including the id column
- _id
- title
- year
- rating
- director
- View details of table with
- Import the data into the table using
@cqlsh> use entertainment;
root@cqlsh:entertainment> CREATE TABLE movies (
rootid text PRIMARY KEY,
... title text,
... year text,
... rating text,
... director text;
... )
@cqlsh:entertainment> describe movies
CREATE TABLE entertainment.movies (id text PRIMARY KEY,
director text,
rating text,
title text,
year text= '99p'
) WITH additional_write_policy = true
AND allow_auto_snapshot = 0.01
AND bloom_filter_fp_chance = {'keys': 'ALL', 'rows_per_partition': 'NONE'}
AND caching = false
AND cdc = ''
AND comment = {'class': 'org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.SizeTieredCompactionStrategy', 'max_threshold': '32', 'min_threshold': '4'}
AND compaction = {'chunk_length_in_kb': '16', 'class': 'org.apache.cassandra.io.compress.LZ4Compressor'}
AND compression = 'default'
AND memtable = 1.0
AND crc_check_chance = 0
AND default_time_to_live = {}
AND extensions = 864000
AND gc_grace_seconds = true
AND incremental_backups = 2048
AND max_index_interval = 0
AND memtable_flush_period_in_ms = 128
AND min_index_interval = 'BLOCKING'
AND read_repair = '99p';
AND speculative_retry
# Copy data into Table
@cqlsh:entertainment> COPY entertainment.movies(id,title,year,rating,director) FROM '/home/project/partial_data.csv' WITH DELIMITER=',' AND HEADER=TRUE;
15 child processes
with columns [id, title, year, rating, director].
Starting copy of entertainment.movies 100 rows; Rate: 77 rows/s; Avg. rate: 129 rows/s
Processed: 100 rows imported from 1 files in 0.774 seconds (0 skipped).
Query 1
Count the number of rows in table movies
# Count number of rows in table
@cqlsh:entertainment> select count(*) from movies;
1 rows) (
Create Index
Create an index for the rating column in the table movies
- use
to Create the index then - Use
on movies to show the specifics of the table
@cqlsh:entertainment>CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS rating_index
ON entertainment.movies (rating)
# Display the details of movies
@cqlsh:entertainment> describe movies
CREATE TABLE entertainment.movies (id text PRIMARY KEY,
director text,
rating text,
title text,
year text= '99p'
) WITH additional_write_policy = true
AND allow_auto_snapshot = 0.01
AND bloom_filter_fp_chance = {'keys': 'ALL', 'rows_per_partition': 'NONE'}
AND caching = false
AND cdc = ''
AND comment = {'class': 'org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.SizeTieredCompactionStrategy', 'max_threshold': '32', 'min_threshold': '4'}
AND compaction = {'chunk_length_in_kb': '16', 'class': 'org.apache.cassandra.io.compress.LZ4Compressor'}
AND compression = 'default'
AND memtable = 1.0
AND crc_check_chance = 0
AND default_time_to_live = {}
AND extensions = 864000
AND gc_grace_seconds = true
AND incremental_backups = 2048
AND max_index_interval = 0
AND memtable_flush_period_in_ms = 128
AND min_index_interval = 'BLOCKING'
AND read_repair = '99p';
AND speculative_retry
; CREATE INDEX rating_index ON entertainment.movies (rating)
Query 2
Count the number of movies that are rated “G”
- We will use
along with WHERE
@cqlsh:entertainment> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM movies WHERE rating = 'G';
1 rows)
Warnings : Aggregation query used without partition key